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Quiz / Karaoke Host

Whether you want some light entertainment of an evening during the week, or you run a venue looking to host some, we've got you!

SpeedQuizzing - The Future Of Pub Quiz!

No pens, no paper, no cheating!  This modern twist on the traditional trivia game keeps all ages entertained. More fun and lively than a paper&pen, this digital pub quiz is packed with features - yet still really simple to understand ... even if you're not too great with technology!

  • You're on a timer, so your rivals don't get a chance to cheat
  • Get awarded extra points for each fastest correct answer
  • Buzzer round allows you to shout out your guess like on a TV show
  • Music round is clever enough to not be Shazamed
  • Guess twice if you're unsure, or play some Risk vs Reward
  • Prizes for the top teams, plus jackpots that anybody could win!

Now endorsed by Comedian & The Chase "Sinnerman" Paul Sinha, including a round of questions written by him for each quiz!

Landlords, want to have this at your venue?

It's a great way to get more revenue on those quiet weeknights!  And it's not just aimed at the younger generation - due to how simple it is to answer by merely clicking the first letter or picking one from multiple choice, even the older crowds and self-proclaimed technophobes find this really easy to get into.  Book a free demo to try it for yourself!

  • We'll promote your venue's events on the online SQfinder
  • You don't need Wi-Fi in your venue, we provide our own router
  • You don't even need speakers, as we can provide them too
  • Software has split-second accuracy for speedy bonus points
  • Players can use any smart phone or tablet (one per team)
  • You decide what prizes are worth giving & we'll supply the jackpot

We provide Karaoke too!  With over 60,000 tracks to choose from including our Top 1,000 to help narrow them down for punters - plus the ability to Vocal Match their range, as well as change the song's key and tempo to suit their preference, this can be a simple bit of fun for one group and a more tailored niche for another. 

Get more footfall through your door on them quiet weeknights and sell more drinks with Karaoke, SpeedQuizzing, or even our Digital Bingo nights!  Another great way to liven up those evenings that used to not put much money in the till. 

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